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22.10.2010 - 24.10.2010: Internationaler Kongress: Cracks in the Concrete Jungle: New Perspectives on Urban Ecology

Beginn: 08:30h
Oktober 2010
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Ort: Ernst-Reuter-Haus, Straße des 17. Juni, 10623 Berlin  
Veranstalter: Prof. Dr. W. Endlicher, DFG Graduate Research Training Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Worldwide, contemporary urban societies are faced with drastic consequences of climate change, demographic shifts and associated economic disparity. What do such challenges mean for the natural environments of cities and for billions of urban inhabitants?

Multidisciplinary solutions are necessary to develop new perspectives and creative strategies for sustainable urban development. For the past eight years, the DFG Graduate Research Training Group 780 "Perspectives on Urban Ecology" has been investigating the interface between cities, nature and people, and is pleased to invite representatives from different disciplines to its final international congress on urban ecology. The Congress Cracks in the Concrete Jungle: New Perspectives on Urban Ecology on October 22nd and 23rd, 2010 focuses on the development of urban nature in the context of such contemporary challenges, especially with regard to the quality of human life.

We look forward to receiving abstracts for oral presentations and poster contributions on the following session topics:

Sustainable Planning and Policy
Urban Biodiversity
Environmental Media
Perception and Behavior
Methods, Theories and Practice

Find abstract guideline here (PDF, RTF).
Description of Session Topics:
Sustainable Planning and Policy

What alternative and creative planning tools and management approaches exist in the fields of law, governance, architecture and urban planning? Desired contributions should consider the handling and response of planning and policy to specific urban, social or ecological phenomena.
Urban Biodiversity

Worldwide, populations boom and blossom into mega-cities. In Germany, despite a steady decrease in national population, more than 100 hectares are newly sealed for transport, housing and infrastructure each day. Because of the huge variety of environmental conditions, cities are particularly species-rich habitats. But urban nature also has to face serious problems like habitat fragmentation, pollution, and competition with non-native species. This session examines the peculiarities of urban habitats and the response of animals and plants to anthropogenic processes and changing environmental conditions.
Environmental Media

This session is aimed at particular research theories and methods dealing with local climate issues, air quality, water regime, soil properties and bodies of water in urban settings. Contributions could include interdisciplinary ecosystem research, investigations into ecological processes in cities, and climate change in the context of environmental media.
Perception and Behavior

The interaction between humans and nature in urban environments is topic of this session. This includes, for example, the effects of environmental conditions on urban lifestyle, human well-being and behavior. Further discussion topics could include anthropogenic solutions to environmental problems, such as adaptation to climate change, environmental education, or creative uses of temporary green space.
Methods, Theories and Practice

In this session, we welcome various theoretical and methodological approaches to humanenvironment relationships. Contributions from the fields of remote sensing, geomatics and ecological modeling with urban ecological relevance are especially welcome.

Deadline for abstracts: 31 May 2010
Review and decision: 1 July 2010

Submitted abstracts should include results from completed or ongoing research projects that address one or more of the featured topics. Abstracts are limited to 250 words, must be submitted and presented in English and should be geared towards a multidisciplinary audience. Accepted authors will be invited to present a 15 minute oral presentation with a 5 minute discussion, or to include their research in a poster session. Upon notification, presenters are kindly asked to register for the conference in a timely manner in order to secure a time slot for their presentation and/or a place for their poster.

Please use the given abstract guideline. Submit your paper to address below.You are free to send by mail email or fax.

All accepted abstracts will be printed in the accompanying congress materials. By submitting an abstract you rightfully agree to the reproduction of your name, institution, email and abstract in the congress booklet.

DFG Graduate Research Training Group
Department of Geography
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin

Fax: +49(0)30 2093-6844

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