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28.10.2009: City Planners' Forum at PLDC 2009

Beginn: 09.30h
Oktober 2009
 Jahresübersicht alle Termine 
Ort: Hotel PULLMAN Berlin Schweizerhof  
Veranstalter: PLDA, LUCI

On Wednesday, 28. October, 2009, prior to the three-day Professional Lighting Design Convention, PLDC in Berlin, the PLDC team will be staging a one-day forum dedicated to urban planners and decision makers at local government level. The forum will comprise lectures on Urban Lighting Strategies: What they are and what benefits they incorporate; reports on Urban Lighting Solutions that demonstrate the economic and social benefits of designed lighting schemes; real information about Energy Issues: What is energy efficient lighting, which technologies are sustainable and what perspectives do LEDs offer.

All papers will allow ample time for questions and answers.

The afternoon session will offer a first-time-ever opportunity for public clients to meet lighting consultants and designers in a Client Meets Designer format.

In this day and age urban lighting strategies are the intelligent way forward for towns and cities that wish to enhance their respective urban environments for people living and working there, improve the town’s economy by attracting people to spend more time and money in town centres, and make their urban centres interesting and attractive for visitors and tourists.

Attending the City Planner’s Forum, CPF will upgrade the knowledge in all matters regarding designed lighting in the urban environment. You can put yourself in a position to make an educated decision when it comes to the lighting in your town or city. Invest sensibly to get the best result for your town and its communities.

The City Planners’ Forum is supported by the Professional Lighting Designers’ Association, PLDA, who have contact to lighting professionals around the globe and LUCI, Lighting Urban Community International.

The Forum will be held in English, but professional lighting designers from different countries will be available to consult. The Client Meets Designer session can therefore be held n a language of your choice.

City Planners' Forum at PLDC 2009
Co-partners: PLDA, LUCI
Moderated by Martin Lupton, PLDA/UK

Registration starting at 9.30.

10.30 - 10.45
Welcoming speeches from Joachim Ritter, FPLDA, and representatives from PLDA and LUCI

Lectures + Round Table
10.45 - 11.30
Urban Lighting Strategies:
- Mark Major, RIBA, PLDA, IALD/UK will share his experience of urban lighting with the audience and address the added value of having an experienced lighting professional as part of a dedicated urban project team. By describing the role of the professional lighting designer as a partner in the creative process he will describe how lighting master plans can meet the specific needs and goals of respective urban areas and help greatly improve the experience and well being of those who engage with the city after dark.

11.30 - 13.00
Urban Lighting Round Table: reports on solutions/case studies/
approaches from different countries (6 mins. each followed by a moderated discussion)
- Roger Narboni, PLDA, ACE/F - "It started in France"
- Ian McCarthy / Jon Dawson/UK: Liverpool - research carried out by the city to evaluate and verify the benefits of their new lighting schemes
- Allan Stewart Baillie / Simon Smith, Glasgow/UK - a new approach to a lighting strategy
- Ong Swee Hong/SGP - Singapore lighting master plan: what has been learnt
- Ulrike Brandi, PLDA, IALD/D - lighting strategies in mainland Europe, Lighting Detectives' findings


14.00 - 14.45
Responsibility towards the population and the environment:
social identity and energy issues
- Jöran Linder and Erik Olsson, Jönköping/S - St. George's Square, Liverpool example + some Swedish examples.
- Energy saving through dimming - overview of the experience gained in Scandinavia.
- Kevan Shaw, PLDA, IALD/UK: real information about what energy efficient lighting is with input from Jean Sundin/Enrique Peiniger regarding the New York LED street luminaire.

Coffee/tea available until 16.30

14.45 - 16.30
Networking session
The City Planners Forum offers a first-time-ever opportunity for public clients to meet lighting consultants and designers, and to seek/find assistance and advice for their respective communities. This will take the form of a moderated interactive session, whereby public clients and urban planners attending may also formulate enquiries and request introductions up front, or simply mix and mingle with professional lighting designers on the day.


The PLDC opening event is due to begin at 20.00.

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