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25.11.2010: (Planer-Plattform) "Amsterdam: Just City?"    [geschrieben von NoSt]

The Amsterdam Student Association of Planning organizes a symposium about the Just City concept from Susan Fainstein. This professor from the Harvard University is our keynote-speaker. She observes a slow decay of Amsterdam as a 'just city'. Can Amsterdam remain as a Just City while globalization forces cities to adopt neo-liberal policies? What are the conclusions for other European cities? The symposium takes four day's in February and students can join workshops, lectures and explore the city Amsterdam. This event will take place on February 14-18.
Mail to to register! Limited spots available!

A brief preview of the program:

Monday: You may check in at the hostel from 15:00. This is followed by a canal cruise through Amsterdam to introduce the participants with the city and each other. After dinner it is time for the opening of the symposium, with the first key-note speaker Eric Corijn, who is going to outline the conditions of the network society that effect today’s urban planning practices. After a brief discussion on the subject this day's program ends with the oppurtunity of informal drinks.

Tuesday: The morning will start with a lecture at the university that outlines the Dutch planning tradition and the context of Amsterdam. After the lunch you will be introduced with your workshop assignment with a site visit and and by attending a presentation on the project. After dinner it is time for the main lecture of Fainstein on the Just City concept and her view on Amsterdam. Justus Uitermark, criticizer of Fainstein's theories, will react on her speech. Afterwards there is an opportunity, like the evening before, to socialize.

Wednesday: The Wednesday starts of with an optional visit to a museum. After noon you will start working out the assignment with your workgroup. For this, there will be a teacher of the university present to assist with any questions about the material and assignment. In the evening the Physical Planning Department of Amsterdam (Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening, or DRO) will provide a lecture on the Structural Vision: Amsterdam 2040. This plan is a statutory planning instrument. It is a long-term strategy and implementation package in which choices are made regarding the functions of living, working, recreation, accessibility, social amenities and sustainability.

Thursday: On this final day of the symposium the workgroups write a small essay on their assignment and prepare a short presentation. The assignment will be about analyzing the case of your workshop within Amsterdams structural vision by using the Just City as an analytical framework. The groups give a short presentation on their findings at the end of the afternoon. There will be a prize contest for the best proposal and all reviews will be bundled in to one 'treaty for Amsterdam'. The symposium will be closed on a happy note with a closing dinner and party.


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