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03.10.2006: (Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Allgemein) "Institutional Innovations in Developing Countries - Call for Papers" [geschrieben von NoSt]
Dear colleagues,
As editors of the peer-reviewed MIT Journal of Planning, PROJECTIONS, we invite you to submit papers relating to the theme of our newest volume. Contributions are welcome from professors, graduate students or professionals.
PROJECTIONS focuses on the most innovative and cutting-edge ideas and practices in planning. Each issue is devoted to a specific area of interest to planning scholars and professionals. We aim to publish high quality research papers, reflective studies, and case studies on the specific theme of each issue. The journal is a unique collaboration between graduate students in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an Editorial Board composed of leading scholars in various areas related to planning. Please refer to this link for details about the journal and previous volumes:
In PROJECTIONS Volume 7, we propose to highlight ‘Institutional Innovations in Developing Countries’ that have played an important role in economic and social development. The volume will focus on empirical studies as well as theoretical discourse regarding institutional changes and how they might facilitate economic development in developing and transition countries. We are interested in papers relating to three broad tracks for this volume and welcome contributions focusing on different regions of the world. Cross-country or regional comparisons are encouraged but are not required. The tracks are as follows:
1) Role of Technological Innovations in Development
2) Role of Land Markets in Development and Poverty Alleviation
3) Role of Infrastructure and Trade Facilitation in Economic Development
We welcome original and high quality submissions on any of the tracks listed above. All submissions will be peer-reviewed. The Editorial Board for Volume 7 will bring together leading academics and practitioners who take an active part in research and practice related to institutions and development from an interdisciplinary perspective.
The deadline for submitting abstracts is now October 16, 2006.
Detailed information elaborating on the three tracks can be found on this link:
We request you to circulate this email and the attached poster within your departments, to colleagues and students doing relevant research. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information. We look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you,
Editorial team for PROJECTIONS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Rajendra Kumar (kumarr@mit.edu)
Anjali Mahendra (anjalim@mit.edu)
Georgeta Vidican (gvidican@mit.edu)
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